This Weekend

This weekend was a flurry of activity. We were invited to a BBQ, a book signing and the normal weekend workload. It meant that another weekend was going to go by without getting the plane out.
I did manage to talk Barb into going up with me for a few trips around the pattern today. It was about time, It literally blew the dust off the thing.
Best part: AV fuel was $5.03 today.
Yeah fossil fuel
I'm so jealous, flying must be exhilarating! Be careful, I just might take you up on your offer to fly up for a football game.
A couple of months ago I had to fly to an airport in Lambertville MI. I was picking up a instructor who was doing a favor for me, and it was cloudy and I had to fly above the clouds that were getting thicker as I was going south. I was kind of worried I was going to get caught above and have to turn around go back. Getting closer to my destination, I saw a break in the clouds and did some quick maneuvers to get down below, weaving in an around the clouds like a 3d maze. Right then it struck me all at once how beautiful the scenery was, how unique the situation was and how lucky I was to be there at that time.
It makes me smile every time I think about it.
If I had any money I would commission you for some aerial photos of the campus I now work on. Since I have no cash I wont hold my breath but keep it in mind.
You bring the camera, it would not be a problem.
problem is i will be the little dot standing on the corner directing traffic.
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