Top 10 reasons why working Saturday Sucks!!!

10-Skeleton crew makes everything difficult . ( and not in a fun Black Pearl way)
9- All support lines are useless as no one else sees fit to be a slave to the machine
8- Weekends were made to ROCK! Therefore no work should be done.
7- Sobering up before Monday is hard enough, but Saturday morning???
6- The amount I make in overtime, oh wait …. I DON’T GET OVERTIME
5- Whatever business that has to be done is twice as urgent on a weekend.
4- People are just stupid on the weekends.
3- I would rather be doing ANYTHING else
2- I always, no matter how early I get up, miss the Farmers Market
And Finally
1- That list of chores is not going to get itself done now is it!
Labels: rant
Working nights its so funny to see from Sat at 4:30am when the city is burning down to Sat at 8am when people are just getting up.
Working on a Saturday sucks the big one. No argument possible.
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