Franklin Mint

Full of golden quotes like an older gentleman saying " once my neighbor tried to sell me a shoebox full of old old baseball cards... I did not buy it " all sad faced.
And an older woman saying," my husband talked me out of buying a painting at a yard sale. Later I saw a similar one selling for a lot of money"
Also hinting at claims that some coins have already increased in value 400%
Are you serious? Franklin Mint? WTF. First of all what was it that old mans lost shoe box? It could have been a turd for all we know. Or the severed had of the neighbors missing wife. Maybe you should be damn happy you did not get that box. Using that old lady and shady stats? Now that is just not right.
I have no more words for how bad this commercials was, and I have to go anyway James is about to jump a creek with an AMC Matador.
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