When Crazy comes knocking....

When Crazy comes knocking.... and other tales of dealing with the public.
(random client walks in)
Me: Can I help you?
Random client: (no response)
Me: Can I help you?
Random Client: (starting a slow counterclockwise jerky turn like motion as if trying to see who is talking in his ear. still no response)
Me: Sir?
Random Client: "I need my.... I need my..... "(pause) "for the plates...."
Me: "Proof of insurance your last name?"
Cleint: "XXXXXXX"
Me: "Stephen? I remember. Just one second Steve. I will have XXXX print that for you."
Client: "Who is Steve?"
Me: "I am sorry, STEPHEN"
Client: Who is Steve"
Me: " I was addressing you Mr. XXXXXXX"
Client: Who is Steve? ( more insistent)
Me: : "OK here is your proof. Let us know if we can help further"
Client: " I have lots of problems, just not with this office."
Me: " OK have a nice day"
Client: " I like this is says effective 2/30/10"
Me: " We must have wrote the policy 8/30 it goes 6 months."
Client: "What do you mean WROTE?"
Me: "Started. you know, singed up for."
Client: "What do you mean WROTE?"
Me: " Initiated... you know?"
Cleint: "What do you mean WROTE?"
Me: "Mr. XXXXXX, are you trying to give me a hard time?"
Client: "There is written, write what do you mean Wrote?
Me: " OK, I am saying it goes 6 months, obviously 2/30 is a fictitious date."
Client: "It is? I thought is came after February 29th and before February 31st"
Me: "Goodbye Steve...Mr. XXXXXX"
Client: Incoherent muttering as leaves.
he must be one of my clients too... I think I met that guy the other day on the sidewalk at 3:30am in downtown YPSI
I an sure the two groups overlap quite a bit.
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