Fixing things 101...

Fixing things 101... novice addition.
Lesson one:
Fix more things than you break.
So when the homelite trimmer for the country house went down... the tenants wanted me to get it fixed. Rather than pay someone... it seemed to me that it was just a rotted out fuel line... I can just fix it myself.
Of course tractor supply did not have the exact parts I needed but some generic fuel line and some re-purposing of some adapters later I had it running.
I was so proud of myself, that before I mowed the lawn I decided to sharpen the blade. Something I had planned anyway. Of course it should have ju

That is when I noticed there was a crack in the "blade adapter" and once the blade was removed it was clear the part was cleaved in half and no longer safe to operate. Indeed it was broken clean in half once I got it off I noticed it was causing the blade to slip. It was only a matter of time before parts were flying off the thing.
So I did not get the lawn done, and I had to order this part for sure. So much for fixing things.
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