News from Japan
My love/hate relationship with the Japanese... why must you be so techno-clever?

Gov't to push for virtual reality TV by 2020
Tuesday, August 16, 2005 at 13:41 JST
TOKYO — The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications will set up an industry-academia-government research and development unit this year that will work to commercialize virtual reality television by 2020, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported Tuesday.
VRTV will allow three-dimensional images that can be viewed from any angle with a quality equivalent to that offered by high-definition TVs, in addition to letting viewers feel and smell the objects they are watching, the business daily said. (Kyodo News)
heres my problem with VR TV who wants to have to look all around to see the whole picture if i want real 3d shit i could just go outside.
heres the good stuff.... Imagine a 3d virtual world where you have total imersion in a show say COPS runnin along with em even lookin over your shoulder at the gathered crowds .... one step further the inevitable kinetic suits that will be invented then you will feel the criminal struggle as you chase and tackle them......Hmm maybe we should just enjoy the real world.
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