Vapor Life

Vapor life... My life as it is, as it should be. *********************************************************************************************************** Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep. Fran Lebowitz (1950 - )

Thursday, August 25, 2005

The price of paradise.

OK some sites track the lowest gas prices here at vaporlife, we are tracking the highest. Thanks to Paul V. for spotting these.

I am soo glad my truck gets 1 mile to the gallon. Doubly glad that I was considering that when I bought it and gas was like, almost free. Back then I was thinking of converting the bed into one giant gas tank so I could make it back and forth to work without stopping.

Now, of course, I will have to max my credit card every time I fill it but that is the price you have to pay. I mean, I NEED five tons of raw power, and enough towing capacity to yank the earth out of orbit so I can you know, get back and forth from work, I mean who doesn’t.

I have to go now cut a swath of destruction into the rainforest with my gas guzzling truck while empting out the last of my cfc aerosol cans.


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