What is the problems with 99% of most point and shoot cameras? You do not have enough zoom.
Here is a great solution.
Ok I am not in cahoots with Sony, but I like this camera.
I had a chance to play with this one as well and I have to saw, pretty awesome.
Here is what cnet had to say:
The good: 12X image-stabilized zoom; 2.5-inch LCD; speedy performance; full feature set; nice selection of accessories.
The bad: Slightly soft images; lack of fine detail; larger and heavier than the competition.
The bottom line: This is a capable megazoom camera that can hold its own against much of the competition.
Here is my thinking:
I am a pretty high end kind of guy but this affordable (I saw it in the wild for $359.00 at my local Best Buy) 5.1 MP mega-zoom with image stabilization… very nice. Just make sure you buy some rechargeable li-on batteries or you will have to by stock in energizer.
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