This Week In Hell

Things have been difficult for me this week…
What you have to understand is that I am a bit obsessed with things going just the way I plan. Any deviation from the plan, and I have to get the plan back on track or… well things just don’t happen otherwise.
So when I was just about to leave the house, and discovered my cell missing… what ensued was a 3 hour cell phone scavenger hunt that completely changed the plans for me and others the rest of the day.
People I was supposed to fly, had to drive.
People I was supposed to meet with, went without.
My schedule for the first three days of the week… all changed.
Basically utter chaos for one small cell phone, that I found by the way (do not ask where).
So here is my question to all of you out there:
Am I crazy?
Do I need help?
Is it cell phone dependency at its worst?
Is there any hope for me?
I might just have to go back to two cell phones… that Heilo is sure looking nice.
Inquiring minds would like to know where the phone was. we promise we wont tell....
I'll never tell....
It really can not be that embarassing! we have all put our cell phones random places and forgotten. I found mine on the back of the toilet once.
Its not really all that embarassing... I just like to keep you guessing.
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