Thank you Captian Obvious

Hello Caption Obvious, So nice to talk to you again.
Stop Yelling, Seriously stop.
Let me just make sure, we took the money too late? And wait, your mad, I can hardly tell.
I understand you are mad because you have lots of bills. I understand that money is tight, but don’t be pissed off at me because you thought we had already taken money out of your account, the money you agreed on, one day late… not early but late. It was, after all on a weekend. The problem lies with your assumption that we had taken the money out and your lack checking on your transactions.
Honestly sounds like you need to keep better track of your affairs.
You can swear all you want but, I did not charge you any fees your bank did when you over drew your account. Please check with you bank. Maybe they have a remedial checkbook keeping class you know, checking accounts for dummies, that sort of thing.
Ok, if you stop swearing you might realize you are yelling at me for no reason. (Nice visual though) Again I can not help you when you are yelling. Yes converting to a more expensive monthly billing makes so much sense as you have money to burn it seems.
OK thanks for hanging up on me, I am so glad I was nice you long enough for you to make a total douche of yourself, nicely done.
Photo cred to : flicker user Adamography
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