Spooky movie night....

Last night the girls and I watched Shutter Island.
On its own, its kind of a scary movie, but last night something weird happened.
During the scariest part while watching the movie, the volume just went up to max. That was odd, so I turned it down. Suddenly and unexpectedly, again, it went from 12 to MAX (over 30). So I turned it down again. Again it went up, right when the music was at his scariest, this time it was uncanny.
I tuned all the remotes away from the TV, just in case a button was stuck, removed batteries...and still it went up to max.
My suggestion that a ghost was in the room did not go over so well and was met with groans of protests from them both.
I am not sure if in the end my manipulations fixed it, or if the ghost grew bored and left but as suddenly as it started it stopped.
I guess we may never know.
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