Vapor Life

Vapor life... My life as it is, as it should be. *********************************************************************************************************** Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep. Fran Lebowitz (1950 - )

Saturday, April 01, 2006

More Useless Stuff remote style

Remote controls are a godsend. We all have em,we all need them. If only they could be better. I’ve got it! Voice activation! That’s right, for those of you that have trouble with pushing buttons, you can now program this remote to do all the work for you. *

I found this vcr-400 made by pogo products.

Full of neat features possibly most notable:

Language and accent Independent” voice activation.

Check it out at:

Next week: beer and pizza IV so you can even be a bigger pathetic blob.

* If you read carefully voice activation mode activated by pressing a button.


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