When my nephew asked me to help him build a robot
He asked me

My mind went to a wild frenzy of PSA, flying autonomous platforms that would actually fly following you around.
It could house a computer that could connect you with your email, phone, and more. Follow you around say about two feet from your head. close enough to pick up your voice commands and far enough to stay out our you way. Smart enough to land near you when you are sitting and also connect via 4G or WiFi. Control you home systems and tell you what on TV. Access your music selection and stream it to your home, car or office. I can tell when you enter your car dock with it or land on the seat.
Alas I an constricted by time. Time and Money.... and the technical capabilities of our time.
I see a two legged stiff walking classic Robot in the near future, but *sigh* I can still dream
I would like to see a wooden robot.
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