I know it’s the season of forgiveness.
I know I should be nice to people but…
IF YOU ARE ONE OF OUR CLIENTS and you hit my truck IN THE FREEKING PARKING LOT, IN FRONT OF MY WINDOW… don’t think you are going to be slick and just drive away.
So you are an old lady… good for you.
I don’t care if you are 84 years old. I don’t care if you only hit my trailer hitch … YOU COULD NOT HAVE KNOWN THAT. YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY STUPID BLIND THAT IS WHY YOU HIT MY TRUCK IN THE FRIST FRICKEN PLACE.
For one thing… I COULD HEAR IT. That’s right you hit my truck hard enough I could HEAR IT. Ok so maybe your deaf too… but It was rocking back and forth, you moved it over. I am pretty sure you kinda noticed.
In the end, you did not damage anything on my truck (thank god for the bullet proof trailer hitch), and I am sure you were scared and that is why you took off… but damn it stop when you hit something.
She probably thought your truck ran into her car! :) (stacy)
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