Random Monday thoughts:

Its is me, or is Steve Jobs and sting starting to look more and more alike? Really I cant be the only one the realizes this. Its really starting to ruin The Police for me.
Ok another thing... how is it that BP manged to make me fell better that they may have finally capped that oil leak after only what 2 1/2 months? Really? How low are my expectations today.

Speaking of low expectations... how is : "Gibson scandal could doom his movie career" a newsworthy headline. How much really is their left to

Head lines like:
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Influential product review magazine Consumer Reports said Monday it will not recommend Apple's new iPhone 4 to consumers because of reception problems.

This makes my head want to explode.
Really its hard to find a bigger tech guy then me but GIVE. THE. IPHONE. CRAP. A. BREAK. At the end of the day, its a stupid phone. Buy one or not. Just stop freeking talking about it.
How is that the beginning of the week. Cant wait to see what Tuesday brings.
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