Speaking of driving like a douche ….

I am absolutely positive you have no idea what you were doing, Let me point out something:
If you a driving in the loose gravel, it is customary to pay attention to your f’n driving. I don’t know what you think was going on, but I am pretty sure it was not driving. I do not know if you were on you phone, or knitting a quilt… but you inability to stay on the road was CONSTANTLY SPRAYING LOOSE ROCKS ON EVERYONE. Not once or twice, but constant driving off the edge of the road was a brilliant show of inconsiderate driving. Your single dedication to being an idiot was legendary.
I had to stop my vehicle. Just so let you get far enough ahead to keep you out of spraying range. I hope you are proud of yourself.
I could see the dust cloud you were leaving in your wake as you drove off into the distance. You sir, put the ASS in Classic.
You are the same guy that leaves a car and a half length in front of you in the drive through window line so you can rely to your hello-kitty fan club leaving others unable to pull ahead. The same fellow who will languish in the lane that is ending until you are again running of the road, still unaware of exactly what you did wrong. You might even be seen backing up 5 car lengths against traffic because you were not paying attention and went in the wrong lane.
Calling you a douche is actually really insulting to douche’s everywhere. Taking away your license is actually not strict enough. If I could have it torn from you and chewed up by a camel and spit out on your face while competent drivers laugh at you… when then that might begin to approach what you deserve.
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