With more and more Katrina info pouring in...

I am humbled, by the shear scope of what is going on down there in the after math of Katrina.
Please proceed carefully to http://dancingwithkatrina.blogspot.com/ just one blog that is documenting what is going on…
I am crushed and devastated.
Picture credit to the bog, and Josh Norman.
I can not fathom the trials of the people in that region.
I started a long message but never posted it.So here it is again.
There is no doubt the government of LA failed theese people in preperation but equally we seem to have people that refused to listen to warnings then on top of all that we seem to have trouble makers ,profiteers, and race baiters trying to make this thier own.
I sent money it is all i can see to do now I would offer to help a family with children Gabriels age if I had contacts but I think that I have done all i can for now.
What most infuriates me is the ridicuious notion that 1 we could anticipate the scope of tragedy 2 we choose not to respond because of the race or financial status of thoose most effected and 3 that looters and other criminals were running the streets causing worsening situations.
I have no doubt that the local government failed theese people and the governor of louisiana should resign she had a chance to take a leadership role (I think of juliani in New York) and take charge of everything saying it is my state and im in charge but instead she looked for answers and help and people to blame and waited for the cavalry to arrive. If i were governor and i lost all communication with my most populous state I wouldve been in the air on a National Guard helicopter hovering over survivors on a sattelite phone to the whitehouse and my fellow governors demanding action and making a list of rescources to be coordinated by me not FEMA the Red cross or the Defense Department. To blame anyone but the "Governor" is to belive in speculation and theory.
I for one will watch closely and see that the rebuilding which is the responsability of us all will be great. But the post disaster management was a complete failure and the governor who claims regency should resign once the rebuilding begins and apologize to every family and all americans who lost in this tragedy.
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