Big Brother is Watching You

Sent from my iPhone with imageMailer
It has come to my attention that a certain enterprise network has adjusted its security settings to that some of my images are blocked. Not for content but just by way of there location in picassa, cookies and other inter-web do-dadels that well quite frankly give me a headache.
So until I come up with a workaround *some* of you will have to log on from home to get the full effect.
My apologies.
I have to write quickly before they see me. If they find out that I am on unsecure websites.....ahhhhh!
PS-"Some of you?" Who esle reads this besisdeds J and I?
you would be surprised....
according to my google tracking 98 hits in the last seven days.
granted 1/3 where probably mine.
You guys are the only ones who comment.
I can no longer comment due to the fact that they are on to me.
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