Re Post : Apples new Subscription rules. In technical terms: this is a dick move.
Apples new Subscription rules. In technical terms: this is a dick move.
** Caution a remix/re-post ***

Thanks to Gizmodo for the original post.
Apple’s New Subscription Model Is Evil
Matt Buchanan — Apple's New Subscription Model Is EvilDigital subscriptions for the iPad are here
Huzzah! Sounds pretty good! You can subscribe to the New Yorker or PopSci with one click, and it's automagically delivered. No in-app purchases; no muss, no fuss. I've been holding out on renewing my paper mag subscriptions, waiting for this very moment.
But it's not all puppies and rainbows. In the press release announcing these subscriptions, there are two key sections that merit second looks.
Apple does require that if a publisher chooses to sell a digital subscription separately outside of the app, that same subscription offer must be made available, at the same price or less, to customers who wish to subscribe from within the app. In addition, publishers may no longer provide links in their apps (to a web site, for example) which allow the customer to purchase content or subscriptions outside of the app.
And then there's:
Apple today announced a new subscription service available to all publishers of content-based apps on the App Store, including magazines, newspapers, video, music, etc.
Read the rest. Check it *here*.
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