Happy Monday....

Happy Monday....
Apparently where you live makes difference in just how happy you are.
Per Click on Detroit.com
POSTED: Monday, February 15, 2010
UPDATED: 2:50 pm EST February 15, 2010
A Gallup poll that asked more than 350,000 people about their jobs, physical and emotional health and finances, has ranked Holland second in America for overall well being.
Michigan is rated the worst unemployment in the nation, has one of the worst housing markets and could be described by many... well lets just say as the exact opposite of happy.
I have to admit, I have not been to Holland in a long time, and The Girl was talking about going to the tulip festival this year. Maybe we will have to check it out this year after all.
I went Holland this past Fall and I gotta tell you, they certainly seem like the happiest place in the US (when compared to Metro Detroit). Here's the thing though: don't buy the wooden shoes - they will look completely ridiculous. Even the Dutch avoid wearing those things.
For the hell of it, here's some more advice for your next trip: 1) Dutch ovens DO NOT make those delicious wind-mill cookies. If someone offers you a free Dutch oven, gracefully decline. 2) The wind-mills are inevitable and unavoidable. Prepare to be blown away. 3) Just because you can grow it, sell it, and smoke marijuana in other Dutch countries doesn't mean you can in Holland, MI.
Its fascinating to see how your mind works.
I'll never know if that was a compliment or not. I'll take it as one regardless!
The HIGHEST of complements my friend!
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