Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Dangerous, You Think?

Back in May I told you about this genius contraption…apparently now they have all been recalled. All it took is a couple of deaths later, they figured out hey these might be dangerous.
Hate to say I told you so but I think I said “…chiropractors dream by tubing, once you hit 17-20 mph, you become airborne. Now you are a brains surgeons dream as water feels like cement at 20 feet going 20 mph.”
Check out this link here.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Caveat Emptor

What is wrong with people.
Today I just had a slick salesperson call me , here is what he said:
He said: can you do me a FLAVOR…fax me … something written up slightly different as they (the company he represents) does not know about the spouse.
First of all, your clever word play in no way endears me to you, in fact it makes you sound slicker than you already probably are. Second thing… I am tired of dishonest sales people in general so you treading on thin Ice just talking to me buddy.
Sure in the broad sense, I too am a salesman but I have been disgusted lately by the multitude and stupidity of the lies that I have been hearing. I had more than one client lately tell me that there broker TOLD THEM TO LIE about there residence location so they could get cheaper insurance/interest rates/ taxes on rental property.
How about all the little lies you hear all the time: this is for a limited time, someone else was just looking at this car, we only have a few vacancies left.
I still look at car deals ALLTHE TIME where insurance, or options or fees are added to the deal with out the understanding of the buyer.
Sure all of this has been around since the barter system, but it has become so bad lately.
I find it amusing that there has been a big push in business ethics, but lying is worse than it has ever been in my view.
Companies have put into place (at great expense) procedures, programs training to prevent this tragedy, but tend to look the other way when the evidence of the practice is right there for all to see.
Really the problem is it comes down to the individual. Being honest and making the honest dollar is always harder, but the rewards are so much greater.
Anyone have counter opinion on this one? Or am I one of a dying breed, honest salesman.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Halliburton Given Contract To Rebuild Cheney

Direct from my freinds at : theonion
Halliburton Given Contract To Rebuild Cheney
WASHINGTON, DC—Halliburton was awarded an $85.5 million contract to rebuild damaged U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney Monday. "We are proud to serve the executive branch in their hour of need," CEO David J. Lesar wrote in a statement released later that day. "Due to our vast experience with oil-well fires and refinery mishaps, we are well-versed in the sort of reinforcement, rewiring, and exoskeleton refitting Mr. Cheney so desperately needs." The Department of Ways and Means defended awarding the contract to Halliburton on the grounds that they had done the original work on Cheney in the 1970s.Monday, August 21, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006
Repost from Engadget
Steorn: inventors of infinite energy, destroyers of laws of thermodynamics?

[Thanks, Greg & Stephen, via]
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Blogger Log In Problems

Yesterday, with the roll-out of Blogger Beta.
Blogger changed the log in screen just enough that my default info was not recognized and I was effectively unable to log in.
This caused a small panic attack, and in trying to fix what I thought was the problem… I made the situation worse.
By logging in with my user ID not my email, I was able to get back on track.
Whew… problem averted for now at least.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Terrorist Plot Thwarted, Millions Go Thirsty.
(Photo of Heathrow passangers, from CNN)

So have you seen this big story about Fauxtography? Fake news photos being pawned off as the real thing?
Here is a good rant about it, if you are unfamiliar.
My question is why is any one surprised? Sure I have been accused of being skeptical, cynical and untrusting of all things, but… am I the only one that has received a flurry of fake images over the years in my inbox? I mean come one, some of them are stupid obvious.
Hell, I have touched up a photo or two in my day. It does not take much to go way past red eye reduction to removal or insertion of whole items into an image.
So how long did you really, think it would spill over to the world of photo journalism? Really? I think most people need to do more thinking for themselves and less blindly believing what they read, and what they see.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Friday, August 04, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006
The Cabin

Here you see one first rate cabin.
This puppy is about as far from civilization as you can get.
Seriously, you take the freeway, to the two lane, to the forest road, to the dirt road, to the logging road to the two track and a couple of miles later your there.
Hand hewn from the forest that surrounds it, you do not get more up north-ey than this.

Last Weekend Over the Bridge

Last Weekend, I went over the bridge to the
Kick ass cabin… check
Boat and all the trimmings… check
Beer swilling fishing buddies… check
Record breaking heat and no air conditioning… WTF
More post to follow…