Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Nice Fish

Last weekend, I was lucky enough to go fishing in the Upper Peninsula with Paul and Paul. Paul V caught the biggest northern pike I had ever seen. Here it is in all its glory. The weekend was great, but I was unable to catch anything and yet this lunker was Paul’s prize. Nice fish. Bastard.
Caught on 10lb stren fisihing line, with a spinner bait.
Paul's Family Cabin
Here is the ride into the cabin by quad, from about 1/2 way from the main road. Click on the link and enjoy.
Labels: Travel
Monday, August 20, 2007
The Blimp is Back

Here in
Unfortunately the rain proved to be a spoiler and the race has been postponed and with more rain in the forecast they just may not race at all.
The rain did not just spoil the race, however, as the Goodyear Blimp has been parked next to my hanger again and may be there for a while. Low ceilings and crappy visibility does not make a good flying day for anything, especially this unwieldy behemoth.
Good luck guys, meanwhile your free to stay as long as you like.
Labels: Aviation
One Tequila…Two Tequila….
Post Birthday dinner, we ended up at The Monkey Bar,
What Camera do you ask? Why the Canon SD850is. Ultra compact, stylish, and 8 mp, 4x opt zoom all cool but best feature: Auto rotate. While viewing the photo if you rotate the camera it automatically rotates the photo on the exceptionally bright screen ala iphone style. Take that apple.
Labels: gear
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Cool Gear - Bellum Classics Vintage Watches

Thanks to Luxist, I found this cool company that takes already bad ass watches and customizes them to make them even better.
Oh Momma… me likey.
Labels: watches
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Photo Illusions

Apparently in some circles , photo-shopping photos (also known as Fauxtography) is becoming an art from unto itself. I have mentioned this before but…
This picture from Gizmodo I could not help but pass along
Labels: photos
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Real Seafood
This weekend, Barb G and I went to real seafood, and had a great dinner. Splitting an entrée we were able to eat a great meal at a reasonable price *.
I snapped this quick picture of the wall next to our tiny table out on the “porch”.
- reasonable is subject to interpretation.
Labels: Food
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Cool Gear- Concept Music Player

Speaking of converging devices, here is *another* concept from the Yanko Design studios…
This portable must player opens up and turns into a CD player/ripper enabling direct to device music ripping from your extensive cd library.
Great concept… Throw in a phone, 5MP camera and you really have a convergence device.
Labels: tech
Monday, August 06, 2007
Summer Is Waning

We will see as we are all anticipating the season opener 9-1 against the ardent opponent Appalachian State.
Of course you may not be able to see it if you don’t get the big ten network. Later I will go on about this, but for now just this: Go Blue.
Labels: sports
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Greased Lightning

Stopped in a decidedly dangerous position behind my truck he was really out of place. I would say this is the first time I have ever seen a turtle in my driveway.
Running late for an appointment I placed him in the more than capable and self-proclaimed lover of all things nature related, Kim, who happened to be wondering by. I am hoping she will take him over to my other neighbors…who has a nice little pond were I am sure he could live quite happily.
Labels: nature
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Tech Explosion

I feel like we are all on the edge of a tech explosion, where more and more items converge into more user friendly, touchscreen technology. More integration between different technologies, will allow a greater compatibility and a greater user experience.
Where your car/navigation system not only is build right in, but recognizes your cell phone, reads the music from it, accepts call and asks if you want to listen to the radio OR the music on your phone.
Not only will the music pause for incoming calls, that already happens, but whey you leave your car your home security/entertainment system picks up the cue, asks if you want to continue the music or move onto something else.
We are so close… I can just feel it.
Some might argue that we are in danger of relying on this kind of stuff to much, or worse our systems will get to smart and take over…., The key is not make it compatible better standards between things for example, make it work together but don’t make it too smart. Always have a human component. Make sure it always pauses to ask us what to do.
This way we will be safe from the robot revolution.