Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Ok, Joe wanted to point out to everyone that HERE you can find a guy that creates what one could arguably say is a work of art on dirty car rear windshields.
Despite his claim that he “does not have to much time on his hands” you can clearly see that he has talent, and a tendency for unlikely mediums. I suggest you check it out if for nothing more that to see how the artistic half lives that is assuming you are like me and have no artistic side.,
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
What The...

That splash of color was the fire truck down the street from my house, the only thing lit up last night after a short but powerful wind/ rain/ lightning storm blew through causing spotty power outages.
Hopefully power is back on this afternoon, its supposed to be 86 today, and I don’t really feel like sitting in the heat all night. For another night that is.
At least here at work we have power.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
This Weekend.
Despite the fact I had to work Saturday (seriously, I would rather have my skin peeled off then work another Saturday) I had a good and productive weekend.
Sushi then a show, that was the plan.
After a great dinner, we went to a lackluster performance at the Ann Arbor Comedy Showcase by Jim McCue who Barb said seemed like did not want to even be on stage, later we ended up walking around the town and having a good time.
Our adventures led us to the The Arena and the Full Moon. Here is Barb at the full moon starting to feel the effects of the booze.
Suddenly we ran across this sign attached to a street light. OK here is the deal. I am so glad you have these fancy new progressive LED lights Ann Arbor, but I just have to say this: why are you asking the public for there opinion. I get the whole tree hugging thing you have going, but this it the same city I just spent the night walking through and I just have to tell you, the thoughts of the people in the drum circle and the guy on the bike that looked like he was on crack and was for certain wearing a bra…no, no these people you do no want an opinion from.
You have a job, pick street lights. Do your job, move on. This does not require a grass roots survey, no pole, no town meeting… its just f’n street lights … see that was not so difficult now was it.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Hasselhoff - Large and In Charge
Like so many other things oversees, David Hasselhoff is inexplicably huge. Like the French and Jerry Lewis, so many Europeans love this guy for reasons we may never understand. I guess he makes big bucks over there doing everything from music to commercials.
Please do yourself a favor and click on the Picture so see the world famous “Jump in my car." video. Once again David and his car Kit are reunited in what I can only describe as video perfection. (Kit with a steering wheel on the right side no less)
Please hang on to the end and watch what happens.
Horray Hasselhoff!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Cool Gear- The Hyanide

Need a snowmobile, motorcycle and a ATV, but only have the room (and money) for one…
Try the Hyanide, a concept vehicle designed to go from snow to sand and back to the street.
Created by German designers Oliver Keller and Tillman Schlootz for the 2006 Michelin Challenge Design.
For now its just a concept, here are the proposed stats.
Specs: Hyanide
Purpose: To move riders over any terrain with unprecedented control
Capacity: Two riders
Engine: 60hp 500cc liquid-cooled single-cylinder
Dimensions: 40 (h) x 36 (w) x 90 (l) in.
Weight: 450¬–650 lbs. (est.)
Top speed: 75–85 mph (est.)
Thanks Popular Science for this one.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Northern Michigan Rules

Friday Barb and I flew Carrie up to meet Rod at their cabin in Lewiston MI. We left at 5:45 pm Friday. Total Time I flight 1 hr 30 min almost exactly. I was a great flight, and when we landed we were treated by seeing these elk outside the airport fence.
What you cant tell is each one of these were about the size of a compact car.
We spent the night, Rod and I went fishing in the morning, went out to a great breakfast and flew back by 2:00 Saturday.
Thank you Carrie and Rod.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Cool Gear- Skins. The Condom For Your Cell

Here is a new product, Skins, you can see it HERE that promises to keep Your mobile totally waterproof.
When I say it’s a Condom for your phone I mean it’s a condom. The product demo page shows how you roll it up just like you would roll one down your willy. I just know that some stupid kid is going to use one of these in a pinch when the moment is right but the protection is nowhere to be found.
In truth this thing creeps me out and I am not sure I would ever use one, but you have to love their advertising campaign.
Wouldn’t the spermicide mess up the phone--- ick.
Kenneth Lay

Today Kenneth Lay from Enron fame died from an apparent heart attack. He was 64.
Apparently he once again cashed out early as he had been convicted of a laundry list of financial crimes (both corporate AND personal) and Lay was scheduled to be sentenced Oct. 23 according to the associated press. He was looking at a lengthy stay in a correctional facility/ country club of the courts choosing.
Since Mr. Lay maintained his innocence till the end, in guess now a higher power will decide if he truly was innocent or guilty. Good luck with that Kenny boy.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

You must click on this image, and read the news article.
I borrowed this from thought mechanics. Nice find guys.