Monday, August 29, 2005
Old School Ann Arbor

Rooting around in the library of congress, I found the map room. This map dated 1880, of Ann Arbor was hand drawn and AMAZING in its detail. Here you can see campus, Washtenaw does not quite meet Liberty, and there is North, South, East and West University streets th

Thursday, August 25, 2005
The price of paradise.

OK some sites track the lowest gas prices here at vaporlife, we are tracking the highest. Thanks to Paul V. for spotting these.
I am soo glad my truck gets 1 mile to the gallon. Doubly glad that I was considering that when I bought it and gas was like, almost free. Back then I was thinking of converting the bed into one giant gas tank so I could make it back and forth to work without stopping.
Now, of course, I will have to max my credit card every time I fill it but that is the price you have to pay. I mean, I NEED five tons of raw power, and enough towing capacity to yank the earth out of orbit so I can you know, get back and forth from work, I mean who doesn’t.
I have to go now cut a swath of destruction into the rainforest with my gas guzzling truck while empting out the last of my cfc aerosol cans.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Great killer of brain cells I bow to thee...

I had a run in with my old friend Don last week. Like most surely men from south of the border, he is not to be taken lightly. It took me time to get back to this but here it is.
Top 10 reasons why Tequila is evil:
10) Nothing good would make you hurt that much.
9) No liquid on earth should have to be followed by a lemon to be palatable.
8) Nothing good would make you hurt that much.
7) Makes you do and say things you will regret, that can’t be good.
6) Did I mention the pain.
5) Often seen in Satins liquor cabinet.
4) Damn the pain.
3) Having no idea what that girl at work is talking about when she says "that thing you said last night."
1) And number one reason: Waking in a strange place with no clothes, not good.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
News from Japan
My love/hate relationship with the Japanese... why must you be so techno-clever?

Gov't to push for virtual reality TV by 2020
Tuesday, August 16, 2005 at 13:41 JST
TOKYO — The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications will set up an industry-academia-government research and development unit this year that will work to commercialize virtual reality television by 2020, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported Tuesday.
VRTV will allow three-dimensional images that can be viewed from any angle with a quality equivalent to that offered by high-definition TVs, in addition to letting viewers feel and smell the objects they are watching, the business daily said. (Kyodo News)
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Creepy Spider and bonus

OK I took this picture of this weird and creepy yellow spider on the ass end of my truck yesterday.
Thanks to my shiny spotlessly clean truck we have a bonus shot of me and the office and a corner of Twig's car in the reflection.
I thought it was cool... and a good answer for all of those who complain I never post pictures of myself.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Cool things volume III

Ahhh... The allusive personal VTOL vehicle.
(Thats Vertical Take Off and Landing)
Since as long as I remember I wanted to have a flying car.
In 1996 when I got my pilots license I thought to myself, someday they will have flying cars and It would be a benefit that I had knowledge of things aerodyne.
Due to the efforts of Moller International ,Skywalker, millennium jet, Airbike and others it seems like it might just might be possible. If it ever gets out of the concept/ testing phase.
Here is a hint guys, faster please I want one before I am to old to enjoy it.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Thursday, August 11, 2005
More Cool Stuff...

Step 1. Tie these balloons to your vehicle
Step 2. Drive VERY FAST
Step 3. Watch people freak out
Step 4. Tell the nice officer you thought they were real
OK I gotta give big props to Carrie for finding this one. I dont know where the sell these but I gots to gets me some!
Monday, August 08, 2005
Good night sweet prince...
He brought rocks into my house.
He drove Tanner Crazy.
He climbed on the furniture.
His bark was the canine equivalent to a little girls scream.
But now that he is back with his family, I think I am going to miss the the cute little guy.
OK that is enough sap for today.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
RE: Below....
Below is Shelby, my cousin Jarrod's Fiance.
We all went out the other night.
After a grueling marathon (three games) all night (several hours) session of shuffleboard at Jon Doms we have come to the conclusion that Shelby is queen.
Even though I won two games.
Not sure how that works but I am sure she will let me know next time I see them.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Rudys Back!!

This just in:
Cool canine captures creepy crawlies creating creature kaos!
Pint sized Rudy has a full size personality for shure.
He is showing off his mad hunting skillz by chasing every bug on my sidewalk this weekend while Paul, Julie, and the girls are away.
Here he is hanging at the office with Tanner. Go get em tiger!
Monday, August 01, 2005
Sony Ericsson
Please ignore the post before last. Let me start over. Ahem....
Ok I Had some initial problem with my phone settings. I did put my faith in cingular who had no idea, frankly, how to help me.
I went to and not only did it walk me right through the steps but it sent the settings right to my phone and I had MMS up and running in seconds. Damn I know its their phone and all, but you got to love sony for having it all together.
Anyway, the phone is awsome.
Below is a photo of Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment, via the phone, stepped down in resolution for ease of sending.
A brave new cellular world

Picture messaging is a challenge, but I got the internet to work so we will see.
Anyway, I already notice the difference in the Cingular (gsm) vs. the Verizion (cdma) coverage. If your wondering its NOT better.
As for now I am dealing with the lesser coverage for the cooler phone. I did enjoy listening to music while walking the dog w/o having a separate device. It does play music brilliantly.