Hulu has won my heart. Why?… I will tell you. Full episodes of News radio, Family Guy and more… soon I will not need cable, all internet TV.., For The Win!
Vapor life... My life as it is, as it should be. *********************************************************************************************************** Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep. Fran Lebowitz (1950 - ) has won my heart. Why?… I will tell you. Full episodes of News radio, Family Guy and more… soon I will not need cable, all internet TV.., For The Win!
By Meredith Woerner, 11:30 AM on Wed Apr 29 2009
See full story and hill-lar-e-us video *here* thank
Last year this (rather large) fish was swimming in a lake in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This year thanks, to modern freezer technology, we had a rather great dinner using this marinade that we have been using for swordfish fillets. We grilled it up and it turned out great.
Do you have half a brain (like I do) and know enough just enough about the interweb to be dangerous (like I do) want to share/access files over the internet with out setting up a home server (like I do).
Then this pogoplug thing is for you!
With just a wireless router, a plane old usb drive ( or thumb drive) you can set this up in seconds and viola! You have internet access to all your files, or just the ones you want on a detachable drive.
I read about it *here* and *here* and *here*
And I have to tell you, so far it works awesomely. I had it set up and was able to allow access to one file only to selected friends in an instant. I highly recommend you check this one out, because if I can figure it out you know It has to be easy.
What a busy week you have had. Becoming complacent with your on-going drug war, you have become ground zero for a pandemic *AND* and earthquake in one day! Do not overstep yourself my quaint southern neighbor. Your beaches and down to earth charm are enough, you did not have go and piss off Mother Nature like that now did you?
Traveling to you in the past has been has dicey as ordering food from that churo vendor with a weepy eye but now… well now its just life threatening in every way possible!
Please, my friend you try to hard!
You had us at drug wars… you had us at drug wars.
¡Le saludamos!
(disclaimer: meant as sarcasm, not in any way meant to offend the fine people of
How an escrow account works:
It’s not that hard, but understating it will make your life a lot easier. Yes it’s shocking but the bank is not really doing you huge favors, sure they pay your insurance/taxes but they are sitting on a years worth of your money for the privilege. You can argue all you want but if you think your account works differently you are likely mistaken.
Insurance is not a home warranty:
If you want a home warranty, get one, but insurance should be for the things that you cant afford to fix. If you can’t fix a burnt out light bulb, perhaps you should not own a home.
As your home gets older there will be maintenance:
Your roof will get old and have to be replaced, things will wear out, faucets will leek. This is
Your home value might fluctuate, and its not the same as rebuild cost:
Say what you will, but what you can sell your home for and what can rebuild it for may be entirely two different numbers. Think about it.
Hate to break it to you but almost (and I only say almost because there may be some exception out there) every home has some mold in it. You are not likely to die. Saying that, use your common sense if you have mold growing up the walls in your basement you might have some moisture issues.
Seriously look it up, FEMA describes a flood as: “A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of two or more acres of normally dry land area or of two or more properties (at least one of which is your property)” Last time I checked your basement was not two acres soooo…since FEMA is in charge of this program flood insurance would not have covered your wet basement even if you had it.
Labels: TOOLS
So imagine my excitement when I saw this add campaign for Johnny Loco bicycles. The theme of the add campaign is “Explore” and you can see the full add campaign *here*
Um… I hate to break it to you but I have been doing this for years in a home setting.
Read the whole article *here*.
Thanks Engadget
Researchers at SUNY Downstate Medical Center have apparently been tinkering with selectively erasing the memories of rats with a mysterious drug they call ZIP. In the trial, mice who had learned to avoid an electrified area of their cage, once injected with ZIP, appeared to have forgotten about the electrification, and ceased to avoid the area. They have also successfully made the rats forgot about their distaste for a substance that had previously made them sick. Dr. Todd Sacktor, head of the project, believes that the drug may be used in humans one day, and that it may also help enhance memories as well. We don't really have any specific info about the drug itself, or how it works, so until then... we'll just have to keep hoping that the lyrics to Use Your Illusion II fade on their own.
Sometimes it is hard
To understand what a man is thinking. What is going on in his mind.
What makes one man walk away from the brink and another throw himself into the abyss.
Sometimes its hard
To understand why one mans demons effect him so greatly while another can keep them at bay in the shadows. How a similar path can look so different through different eyes.
Sometimes its hard
To see that someone that has so many great gifts may have the most trouble with the simple things we take for granted. To remember to cherish what we have every day.
Sometimes its hard
To realize that someone you loved is gone before his time. To remember to separate the grief from the guilt. To remember all that was good in his life and hope that finally he may have some peace.