Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Of watches and other resons I might not be entirely right in the head.
Last night we watched the movie Limitless a decently entertaining move.
But after the hero of the story meets a DiNiro and you catch a glimpse of his watch... I had to find out exactly what it was.
Breguet Classique Automatic 5197BA
It's a sickness I know.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Predicatively unpredictable. The new math and other reasons my brain hurts today.
I have been thinking a lot lately about math... and in particular
predictive models and algorithms, calculations, fluid dynamics you know that
kind of math that makes sense out of things behind the scenes.
Not exactly sure why it has been on my mind. Maybe its
because I get sucker punched on a daily basis by that kind of math or maybe its
because a good unsolvable problem makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Maybe its because
that kind of stuff scares me… just a little.
That’s right I said it this kind of math scares me. Not just
because its way past the line of my understating. Hell you cant even see that
line where I live. Why then you ask? Well that is because:
Most people have no idea how much this kind of stuff is creeping
into our lives. I see a little but what I really see is that it is going to be
way more invasive in the very near future.
I just ran across this interesting link *here* on gizmodo.
You should watch it.
Then think about this.
How much math is running you life?
I bet you it’s more that you think.
They put that Starbucks on that corner, because MATH told
them to do it. The tread pattern on your tires, the amount you pay for services.
The interest you pay on things… all math. Its not sympathetic, its not
emotional its defiantly not logical. That’s right I said that too, its not
logical. That is because this kind of math requires data processing and number crunching
in ways that don’t have to be logical they just have to work.
That kind of ruthlessness is awesome… and Scary.
Mostly it’s scary because, its not like normal math. This
kind of math makes mistakes and because it’s not logical the predictive models
do things that are well…ironically unpredictable.
This kind of math is powerful, that is why this kind of
thing is all the rage in financial circles. So what it boils down to: he (or
really they) that has the best math wins.
Like I said I have been thinking a lot about math lately. I
cant help but get a wry smile when people complain about things not making any
sense. They don’t have to make sense they just have to work.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Kitty does not play well with others...
and we have had a lot of people in and out of the house the week and this weekend.
This does not make her happy so she sits in the shop watching me for a while tail twitching bank and forth until that to seems to bother her.
So she sits on her tail, I think to keep it from moving back and forth as if this is just to much for her to take. In this way she extends her control over her environment even if it is just in this symbolic way.
Of course that does not begin to assuage her frustration at the whole situation, but its a start.
Labels: Animals
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Word of the Day: Fairsterical
A person (or group) who his hysterical about and/or has unrealistic expectations about the Ann Arbor Art Fair. Also any crazy person attending.
Person one: Are you going Downtown?
Person two: Seriously? There is no way I will get getting 100 miles of all those fairsterical morons.
Its Ann Arbor Art Fair time again.
Its a hot and hazy summer day in Ann Arbor and what else could that signal but the start of the art fair.
Art Fairs would be more accurate as it is really three fairs rolled into one giant seathing sea of people and art.
You can read about it *here* or cruise by A2 and see it for yourself.
Best comment of the day: How to be a winner.
RE: How to win at Rock Paper Scissors
comment from PixelSnader.
"When I play rock/paper/scissors I always choose rock.Then when somebody claims to have beaten me with their paper I can punch them in the face with my already clenched fist and say Oh shit, I'm sorry I thought paper would protect you Asshole"
Monday, July 18, 2011
As I said before.....
I take a lot of photos... and every once in a while I get a good one.
Tanner and I were at the park, the rain had just gone through and the air was clean and fresh. The heat and abated slightly but it was sill warm, just no longer oppressive. This barn swallow was out hunting bugs flying a foot off the deck and zig-zagging back and forth between us and the trees. Tanner sat and waited patiently as I took a couple shots trying to catch this speed demon in mid-flight.
Shot with my cell phone. Sharpened up slightly. I love this shot. Not because it is perfect, its not. Not because its composed well, it really is not that either. I love it because I caught it in motion: me moving with the bird trying to get him in the frame. Awesome.
Click to enlarge.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
My neighbors are in western Canada....
and they are blogging about the experience.
I can honestly say in am totally jealous.
Not just because they are on a 3 month vacation, but that is certainly part of it. Mostly it is that the photos they are taking are amazing and the adventure they describe is truly once in a lifetime.
The amount of raw nature they are capturing is almost unbelievable. Like this black wolf cub that they found wandering by the side of the road.
I can only stand back and take it all in.
You can see the blog yourself *here* if you want but I warn you… its intoxicating.
(Hint- check out the archives)
Suddenly this morning….
Suddenly this morning, before coffee and without warning I ran into this Ford GT.
Figuratively of course, as it would have been a much worse day if I had literally ran into her. Nice to see something unexpected once and a while.

Figuratively of course, as it would have been a much worse day if I had literally ran into her. Nice to see something unexpected once and a while.

Labels: automotive
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Uncrate must be reading my blog again...
Swingers, the movie just to be clear, just popped up on the Uncrate site just a few short days after my post about it.
click *here* to check it out .
Coincidence? Maybe.
Weird timing with the blue Blu-ray release... likely.
Still in my reality they are checking in with vaporlife. I am flattered guys, just leave a comment once and a while.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Shop Time: Finger Joint Jig
I turned out pretty well as you can see in this quick demo piece of oak.
Labels: Woodworking
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Tuesdays Rant: absolute douche edition.
Photo credit to Ken Gillies.
A long time ago I learned that words like “always” and “never” were not my friends.
Such absolutes are tough to back up because we really do live in a world of grays, a place where there are exceptions and reasons that sometimes we can not see or maybe even understand.
You should NEVER KILL- what if you are saving a million lives by killing one tiny insect?
You should ALWAYS be kind to others- what about if causes you or your family harm.
Sure some of these might be just intellectual concepts, situations we would likely not encounter but still there are reasons. Reasons, possibilities, things you haven’t considered.
Really the big problem, besides the fact the only time you can be so absolute is to say you would NEVER be so absolute, is most of the time you come off sounding like a giant douche.
When you sound like a giant condescending tower of turd-tastick absolutisms I just want to hit you along side the cranium with an aluminum baseball bat. Even if what you are saying, is mostly right, you self centered self-righteous ego-maniac. Especially if that person has a soapbox to reach the masses, Mr. think-you-know-everything.
I don’t want to name names, so I wont, but it drives me CRAZY that people will say things like:
There is NEVER any excuse to (do something)
People should ALWAYS (do something)
I just wish people would acknowledge that no matter what they think they know, there can be an exception or reason or scenario that maybe, no matter how remote, just might contradict what you know.
(end rant)
Labels: rant