Absolutely No…Wait a minute. Lets talk about this. The reason I have a DVD player in the first place is the better quality, now I need a new HD DVD? I mean I have a HD TV so why not, right.
The real question is how much is too much. I mean the eye can only see what it can see. The bottom line for me at least is, this HD DVD that is clearly in its infancy is not ready for my living room. Like most things (tech wise) getting in on the initial round of offerings will only empty my wallet and usually leave me wanting the better model I missed w/o all the bugs.
Here is some quotes to let you decide.
From engadget:
If there's a consensus opinion, it's that HD DVD may be great for early adopters and HD connoisseurs, but less discerning viewers may not see what the big deal is.
To quote their quote form HD Beat:
As Ben Drawbaugh puts it on HDBeat: "Bottom line is that HD-DVD is great, but will you notice? If you can't tell the difference between DVD's and HBO HD than you might be just as well off with a upconverting DVD player.
On the other hand here is a quote from the comments section in the same blog:
“Naysayers say nay. That's what they do. The fact of the matter is HD-DVD has eight times the resolution of standard DVD. Whether a person notices that or not is not really relevant to me; you know, lots of people need glasses and they don't even know it. I'm not going to rely on the pronouncements of someone who says they can't tell the difference between DVD and HD-DVD.” (thanks Jeff)