Why I am getting a new laptop and its making me happy...

and sad. Change is both thrilling and abhorrent to me- its a function of my thrill seeking OCD lifestyle.
As you might remember my laptop has been acting up lately and it is really on its last legs. It has been a faithful companion for just about 5 years now and I must say.... I am sad to see it go. The Girl says its good, I am getting a new toy to distract me. We shall see, I suppose.
As they say all good things must come to an end and thanks to ecost I am getting a new one, on the cheap. Really it is way less than what the old one went for and WAY more powerful. I can not believe what you can get for under $500 these days.
The old one was a convertible tablet, and the new one, well its not. I must say that my photoshoping skills were exponentially increased with the introduction of a pen. Not to mention a host of other functions a pen brought to the table.
Hmmm... maybe I will have to get a Wacom tablet or something.
I will let you know next week how it all turns out. For now I am still pounding this post out on the old one. We will see what happens.