Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
California Geography Lesson

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Ok so there was an earthquake in LA. I called my friend Paul who lives close to there and he said it was an event but not that big of a deal. They did not even evacuate his building.
What was disturbing was the graphic above that I borrowed from local a TV station. Not the spiffy graphic, really that was nice. What is weird is they had to lable "California" like we might get it mixed up with that other Los Angeles City on the west cost.
Seriously, are we that dumb? I can see it now:
"here's that graphic for that Earthquake story boss"
"Where this at? You need to put the state on here somewhere so the people know ! Try and make it awkward and out of place too."
"Right away boss"
Once again dumbed down so we don't have to think so hard.
Thanks smart news people Me no like using much thinking.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Whew. This weekend was crazy stupid busy.

Whew. This weekend was crazy stupid busy.
After the canoe trip we went downtown Barb purchased a new dinning room table. I would say it was on a whim but we have been going in and out of this store for years looking this table, and finally she could wait no longer and got it.
So a bulk of the weekend was spent preparing the dining room for the new table that will be coming soon.
I did get away for an hour or two to fly to
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Happy F'N Friday
( for my insurance people out there)
Dear Public:
Let me answer all of you questions at once. Please pick the appropriate answer from the list below:
If those are the coverage on you policy, those are the coverages you chose. No we did not change them, it is unlikely there was an error despite the fact that you are sure you choose (insert better coverage here).
Yes I am glad you *think* your claim should be covered but if the facts point to (insert cause not covered) this is going to be denied by the claims department. Unless you can change the cause because I can not get them to change he policy.
I am sorry your policy canceled. It seems that you must actually pay the premium
in the allotted time. Yes notices were mailed out, yes more than one. I am sorry
you moved to (insert distant land or theoretical plane of existence) and did not get
your mail forwarded. You might have noticed you were not paying for (insert unreasonable amount of time).
I am sorry that your mothers-boyfriends sisters-cousins policy is cheaper than yours. It is really hard to compare your situation with that of another who has a completely different set of variable than you. No it really does not seem fair does it?
Oh… Im sorry your household bill, that includes 10 different polcies fluctuates a lot? Gee you only had 13 changes last year, I am sure I can figure out why you bill was off .32 cents in Feb 2005. I will call you back Oct 2019 with the answer.
Let me get this straight… You live in (an inexpensive area) but you get your mail at (PO box in very expensive area) because it is more convent for you to drive three counties over to retrieve you mail. OK, well I will just ignore the returned mail marked forwarding expired correct address to (expensive area) and get right on that. No really I totally believe you. Thanks for sending me a fax explaining all this from the office of the apartment complex where you don’t live.
Labels: rant
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Cool Gear - Mac Tablet or Vaprorware?

All the Mac rumor bogs are all a twitter with the rumor that the always anticipated Apple Tablet may be out as early as October.
I have heard it all before, and it has never come to fruition but this time some of the rumors are coming from credible sources. I have also said it before and even before that I would consider switching to a Mac, but a tablet, with multi-touch just might make me take the plunge.
Although I doubt I would not have a windows machine to far away.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The Po Po Pinocchio : Rise of the Mannequin

I don’t really know if this is common practice or not but my sleepy little town has taken to the habit of putting a uniform on what I can only describe at the local CPR practice dummy and propping him up in a cop car and parking the car and random places around town.
Today it was my streets turn.
I like to call it their mobile speed bump, it forces even the locals to slow for a day or two as you can never be 100% sure if it’s the real deal or not until you are too close for it to matter. Then then move him(it). Really they have been doing it for years and I must admit it does work.
It makes me wonder though, do they do this everywhere? Is this some kind of unspoken universal cop trick? I must remember to ask my brother.
Labels: Observation
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Ann Arbor Art fair 2008

Its that time of year again, yes the Ann Arbor Art Fair(s) are in town and with it thousands of people descend, like scavengers to carrion, into Ann Arbor taxing the parking, the infra-structure and many of the locals patience.
I think they expect over 500,000 people over the 3 ½ day event.
Now that our office not no longer downtown, I have some mixed feelings about it. On one hand I miss the chaos and sheer magnitude of the fair that is actually made up of smaller fairs that in total create an uncontrollable behemoth that seems both rolling and magnificent taking on a life of its own transforming the town into a seething mess of people and booths as far as the eye can see. Its entirely crazy site to behold.
On the other hand I rarely see anything I want to buy and it becomes I trial to get down there into the mess just to people watch. It is always hot, and its always 10 deg hotter than it should be as there are just too many damn people there. Although I parking is not as bad as some make it out to be I am not sure I will go.
If I do, I will post more pictures.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Tigers Vs Twins
Ron Scored some tickets and the four of us went to the game.
The rain is holding out and the game is tied after 4 innings.
*Update. OK so the Tigers lost. But we had a great time. Seats were awesome. semi-club seating, padded seats in our own little box, tables and under the overhang of the upper level we did not get rained on even when it sprinkled. And the view from the thrid base line... never better.
After dinner in Greek Town! Opa!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Firmware 2.0
I have heard (based on every gadget site out there) that iPhone Friday has been marred by the lack of bandwidth to activate all those new Apple toys.

I, on the other hand, updated iTunes early, got the 2.0 firmware installed before it was official and the lines at the servers started… and I am rocking the new software while others are sitting with a brick.
Usually I get screwed by trying to do something early (beta?) but this time yeah me!
I particularly like “sketches” that I had to pay for but it finally makes sense I can draw right onto my phone… editing pictures or making notes.
Also a FREE voice recorder… my heart be still.
Anyway good luck to all of you out there who are locked out, sincerely hope they work it out soon. Meanwhile I will be enjoying my newly revitalized phone.
3g iPhone...meh!

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The real story for me is not the paultry new features that come with the new phone but the new app store and the upgrade to version 2.0 firmware that I downloaded early and have been playing with all night. All I can say is damn. This is making my old phone much more better.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Am I the only one?

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Sunday, July 06, 2008
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Friday, July 04, 2008
Dragon Fly- On the sidewalk.

Ok… So I was at work late.
Ok … So Barb was on call and got called in.
Ok… three day weekend off to a slow start.
I did happen to run into this little fellow on my nightly walk with Tanner at the park. He seemed a little out of place in the crisp early evening air. Letting me get a little to close without a response seeming a little fragile, like the cool night air would overcome him and by morning he would be gone.
Ok… so I guess his weekend was getting off to a slower start than mine.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Why a Three Day Weekend RULES!

In retrospect, the best part of the three day weekend might just be the anticipation of it all. Seriously I put in some damn long hours this week and slammed out some work just so I could get 72 straight hours in a row with NO RESPONSABILITIES! Or few responsibilities, lets not go crazy.
Best yet Barb has the same 72 hours off… and we are NOT rushing off to some destination no… we are relaxing… hanging out… enjoying the weekend for once.
I don’t know how we did it. Must be some weird planet alignment thing. This happens about once ever 10 year cycle. However it happened its done an as soon as my last client gets here ( I am pecking this out between appointments) I’ll be out of here.
Happy 4th of July weekend everyone!
Photo credit to Ben Cooper