Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Cool Gear : Samsung Galaxy S2
Lets face it almost every day I change my mind on this topic but TODAY my favorite piece of tech envy is the Samsung Galaxy S2.
Set to drop any day this thing looks like a giant ball of sexy-awesome smartphone goodness.
Its looking more and more like there will be no iPhone 5 announcement this June. This may the the best way to slake my techno itch for foreseeable future.
Sporting Android 2.3 (gingerbread) and a unique samsung skin that you will probably either love or hate, a 8 mp camera and 2mp front camera. See the details *here*.
I just need it to drop like RIGHT NOW before I change my mind again.
I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it....
Labels: tech
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Shop Time: Shelving units.
I can never get enough done during these short weekends. That being said it nice to see a project that was completed and it out in the wild.
My nephews bookcase/desk combo came together nice and was installed on site in just a few minutes.
Labels: Woodworking
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Working on a Saturday...
Sure seems like extra hard labor.
I am tired and its Sunny out making it even harder to be here.
Labels: random
Friday, March 25, 2011
Cool Gear : Tablet issues.
Just when I thought I was in love with the 7 inch Samsung Galaxy Tablet HTC just dropped a worthy competitor in the HTC Evo tablet that is about to appear in stores any second. Its running Android 2.3 (to be upgraded to Honeycomb) with a Sense skin.
Its small enough to hold in one hand an large enough to be a productive tablet and it feels like productivity on the run to me. Best if all its full of Android goodness. The thing that I like the most is that the interface feels like the future where more and more the iOS feels like yesterdays operating system.
Not sure what I am going to do...I am contract-less right now. I am in need of a phone upgrade and I am in love with these smaller form tablets that are trickling out.
Its going to be an interesting summer.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Redhawk Ann Arbor *update*
Redhawk Ann Arbor.
Always good. Always fun.
Smokehouse sandwich.
I might have had the smokehouse sandwich but the real reason we we went in the first place is the Girl wanted her Olive burger. She was actually a little disappointed there were not more olives.
After we took a cold brisk walk back to the car through the Nickels Arcade.
We really needed this fun night out and with no drinking it was cheap!
Labels: Ann Arbor
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Lately, I have been a mess.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Of Dreams and Dreaming...
I don't know if it is because I have been tired or the lack of drinking or the spicy food but I have had vivid detailed dreams lately. That in itself is not entirely new what is new it that I have no problem remembering them in detail.
The Girl would say that that is not new either because many times I will describe part of my dream to her in detail but usually its only fragments and the rest is lost soon after waking.
This morning I could have recited my entire dream. Not just the entire dream but several dreams I could remember over the course of the night. I did wake a couple of times between the dog coming and going due to the thunder, the thunder itself and sleep came in waves and as a consequence so did the dreams.
I could fill this space with the dreams but I wont go on and on instead I will just give the you the general theme: frustration. Frustration and anger. Hmmmm...
An elevator like this was prominent in one dream located in the building I was working in and just getting it to go to the floor I wanted was a chore.
Honestly I just need to get to bed earlier.
Labels: dreams
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Sometimes bad news sneaks up on you.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Happy St Patrick's Day :
The not drinking for lent thing always comes to a head today (no pun intended) the one day that rampant drinking is tolorated to the point it is almost encouraged.
This year maybe more than others a nice pint of Guinness sounds really good.
Oh well. Lent will be over soon.
Happy St Patrick's day everyone.
Labels: holiday
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Time machine:
Labels: random
Monday, March 14, 2011
Happy Pi day everyone.
Happy Pi day everyone.
As numbers go sure its an important on but its own day?
Who decides all this fringe day stuff anyway?
Labels: random
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Sunday rolled in and rolled out again just as fast...
Sunday rolled in and rolled out again just as fast...Maybe faster as we lost an hour to daylight savings time. Daylight savings like a thief in the night stealing our most precious thing: time to sleep in.
I hate the whole spring-forward thing as much as you can really hate something with the word spring in it.
One thing with spring just around the corner the sudden absence of snow can certainly make a mess of things. It can make a simple trip to the park an exercise in mudding, What you see here was only the parking lot.
Still it is hard to stay annoyed with the promise of things to come hanging in the cool heavy humid air. Even when you have to hose your boots and the dog off.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Who measures this stuff:
I was looking forward to the days getting longer.
Labels: weather
Best Invention Ever: DVR ( with a sling)
Sure everyone else has had a DVR for a while, but I am telling you that I love that stupid little box.
Add a sling to it and you got a pretty damn cool setup.

Watch what you wants... when you want it.... where you are? How freaking novel.
Labels: tech
Friday, March 11, 2011
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Tonight, It was software update night.
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Just liket that Its Phat Tuesday again,.

I know spring is right around the corner abut I have to say that Lent seems a little too depressing this year to deal with. Probably a good sign that I need it more than ever.
It seems like a long time till Easter.
I can only say that all that will make spring seem that much sweeter.
Still, that does not help me now does it?
Labels: rant
Sunday, March 06, 2011
Overheard last night on the couch… Star Wars Edition.

(While flipping through channels Star Wars Episode IV was on, the part where they are blasting their way out of the detention level into the trash compactor)
The Girl: “OH! I know that part its just like that Family Guy thing!”
Me: “The Blue Harvest episode on the iPad?”
The Girl: “Yeah… It just like that part… Look Meg’s head is going to stick up… That’s too funny”
Me (laughing): “ Wait… you think its funny that Star Was is Just like Blue Harvest. You realize that was kind of the point right?”
The Girl: “ I guess so, although I think it was funnier when the robot guy was smoking pot.”
Me: “It WAS funnier (laughing so hard now) That was the point. It funny that you don’t know about the real Star Wars but you know that Family Guy episode by heart.”
The Girl: “Hey I watch that when I work out ALL THE TIME. Look that Guy is the Old Man with the limp sword”
Me (now crying): “ To you the movie is the parody of the Family Guy… SO FREAKING FUNNY.”
The Girl: “Hey that is in there too…”
(Story stopped so I could compose myself)
Really Universe?

Can nothing go right today?
I give up, you win. I will attempt nothing of consequence for the rest of the day.
Labels: rant
How to service you ATV and other ways to waste your Sunday

It was a good plan.
Really more like a list of things to do. Things that I was looking forward to getting done. I had the whole day to do them.
First on the list plow the driveway.
Should be simple start the ATV, plow the snow. 15 min Job maybe get the Moms driveway. Either way, done and on to the next one.
What actually happened was far different than I had planned .
When it would not start, I thought it was the battery. So I got a new one. Filled it with acid, charged it. No juice. Tracked down the Manual, tore machine apart. Tracked down the main fuse replace the fuse, blew the fuse, shoveled the driveway by hand, gave up on ATV put ATV back together.
So much for item #1.
Labels: automotive, rant
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Today at the park... *updated*
The morning rain was to much for the river to hold. Here you can see
the path was over run with water. It proved an impasse we had to
backtrack and find another way around.
Here is how its supposed to look.

Labels: weather
Thursday, March 03, 2011
This morning at 4:30 am ...

This morning at 4:30 am ... the dog decided she wanted to get up. She started poking me in the arm with her nose relentlessly until I obliged her protest by taking her out. Tanner does not often do this so I am thinking maybe she does not feel well and waiting another hour until her Girl gets up for work maybe a bad idea. Usually I find when a dog is trying to tell you something you should listen... at least most of the time.
So outside she went I waited by the door and was struck by the cold radiating off metal shop door.
Overnight the clouds had stayed away and any heat from the day quickly left as well leaving a cold , hard-packed snow surface that glistened in the streetlights. I could not help but think that it was like the cold unforgiving surface of the moon, all pot marked and alien in appearance especially eerie at this god-forsaken hour.
Tanner was back before I could finish my thoughts, something about too bad we don't have the lighter gravity of the moon... and she elected to stay downstairs as I lumbered back to bed half asleep still anyway.
I knew I would get back to sleep but I also knew that the alarm goes off at 5:30 again for the Girl and the trash was not going to take itself out. Those thoughts faded as the warmth of the comforter poured back in to my limbs making me wonder, for a second, if I had ever really been up at all.
This is why I can't party with my theoretical physicist friends anymore."
From a random slash dot thread about the Large Hadron Collider .
found *here*