Whats worse than getting caught in the snow?

Whats worse than getting caught in the snow?
Getting Snow on your Lambo... of course.
Only in NY
Thanks to Jalopnik for this one.
Labels: automotive, random, weather
Vapor life... My life as it is, as it should be. *********************************************************************************************************** Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep. Fran Lebowitz (1950 - )
Labels: automotive, random, weather
People(and dogs) walking along our sidewalk left reverse prints on the sidewalk once the top layer of snow was removed. It left an visual record that I thought was at least marginally interesting so I thought I would share it with you.
With the consentraion of a chess master, Tanner contemplates her next move on the soccer ball as snow falls all around again this morning. More snow is bringing more headaches to the area as just enough to make it slick fell right before the morning commute. Snow is in the next 4 days forecast as winter, late to come to the table, seems reluctant to ease up its icy grip here.
Labels: weather
Labels: rant
Dear Guy on bicycle during snowstorm:
Poor little guy. I don’t know why you have a death wish, but life is to important to for you to throw it away on economical transportation. Plus if I hit you, you are going to scratch my paint. Please refrain from such selfish activity in the future.
-The rest of us.
Editors note: this is only topped by they guy on the motorcycle that I was not quick enough to get a photo of.
They called for a little snow overnight and snow throughout the day but we woke to about 5 inches in the drive way. I was not expecting to break out the plow until later in the day but I could not get the Girl out of the driveway so Tanner helped me plow. Of course this set us up for a late start.
Labels: weather
Seems to be the norm, as the rental house needed a few repairs before a new tenant is to be found. We spent a good chunk of the day today over there, the girl painting and I replacing plugs and switches.
Labels: work
Often I say I am going to the park, I mean one of several places around the area where Tanner and I go play.
Thanks again to all Vapor Life followers and commenters!
The cool thing about Vapor Life is we have been around for a while. So if you get a chance root around in the archives or do a little search in the box on the top left…you will be surprised at what you might find.
Since many of you may not have time to go digging through the old posts I gathered some of my favorites… let me know what you think:
Best rant:
(or maybe)
Best Photo
Best Email:
Best Twitter Re-post:
Best Sarcastic Post:
Best Wood Shop post:
Best Aviation related post:
Best Stupid Post:
Best Photo Shop
Best Dressed:
Most Cryptic:
Labels: random
Never ever believe what you see on TV!
A dogs life.
Labels: Animals, Observation
Labels: holiday, Observation
Labels: random
POSTED: Monday, February 15, 2010
UPDATED: 2:50 pm EST February 15, 2010
A Gallup poll that asked more than 350,000 people about their jobs, physical and emotional health and finances, has ranked Holland second in America for overall well being.
The cold blue steel sky is intersected by the sunset tonight like a hot knife through ice as the day ends over Bruan farm outside of town. It was a short weekend and I swear the lingering winter is playing tricks on my mind as dreams of spring dance though my head.
After a full day, and some highs lows, I had to go plow out the rental house as the drive way was a mess from the snow the other day. So that meant Tanners walk was late, and the park was completely dark as we did not get there until around 8. Tired and hungry we trudged through the deep snow. Tanner was excited as ever, bounding through like a kid on a sugar high.
Walking around the far side of the park I rounded the fence of the baseball diamond with Tanner, and about 25 yards ahead was very nervous and very large coyote. It was dark but I could clearly see the pointy head and tail tucked between its legs. It kept glancing over its shoulder and across the road and the normally shy animal was skittish but was nervously standing its ground.
I asked Tanner to stop and sit/wait so I could creep slightly closer to get a photo. I could not get a good shot it was to dark and my phone would just not cut it.(stock internet photo but amazingly accurate) I could not help but think that this large animal (as tall as but just thinner than Tanner. I would estimate 50 lbs) was waiting for its mate. As soon as I thought it I turned to seen Tanner, standing, with her nose in the air trying to catch the sent of the second one that was behind us. It was nervously trying to figure out how to get around us, and re-unite with the other and stay off the road that we were adjacent to. The second seemed to be the male and was larger than the first, if you can believe it.
The second one went around the far side and the first nervous one went of to meet it the long way around. I never felt threatened; of course if I was a child or a small dog then their intentions might have been more nefarious. I was amazed, however, at the whole episode. It was kind of cool to be that close to some wild animals.
Today I was looking for some wood for another project and I found these sequentially cut 18 inch wide pieces of elm that I am going to make into a table. I am very excited as they are cuts 4 and 5 from a log cut unto 15 planks and the grain is just amazing.
Labels: Woodworking
All day long I have been playing a waiting game. I have been waiting on one thing or another all day, and it has been FRUSTRATING as they are all out of my control.
Strong winds followed last nights snow making a bad situation even more irritating.
Labels: weather
Randomly found in a parking lot in town.
Tanner Helps out this morning as I clean off the drive way. 8 inches of snow fell around the area enough to get the ATV out with the plow. Afterwords Tanner sees fit to knock through every tall drift possible make of mess of what I just cleaned up. Winter has arrived late this year, and I suspect we have more snow to come.
My desk at work has, two computers three screens and a zillion windows wizzing by at the speed of internet...
So what is the problem? It should be a dream come true, right? The problem is my attention span is getting shorter and shorter, and I start reading the news headlines. The problem is I read them... but I see something else. Take today's headlines for example:
Actual headline:
Gibbs Scrawls Grocery List on Hand in Jab at Palin (fox)
I see:
Gibbs crawls for grocery's and hand job from Palin.
Actual headline:
Death of Nancy Kerrigan's father ruled a homicide (cnn)
I see:
Tonya Harding kills Nancy Kerrigan's dad.
Actual headline:
Lil Wayne Shot Nine Music Videos Last Weekend (MTV)
I see:
Lil Wayne shot nine times last weekend.
Actual Headline:
Prius success story stalls after recall (CNN)
I see:
Prius Sucks
Actual Headline:
I see:
Autopsy: Jackson had vertigo for wigs.
I really really have to slow down.....
Here is a quick list, just a short reminder if you will, of un-acceptable comments:
1) A comment with self serving, unrelated to the topic, links. (IE links to porn)
2) Post in a language other than English. (sorry has to be in English)
3) Be unnecessarily profane or otherwise objectionable. (only I can do that)
4) Threatening, or violent comments (again only I can do that)
5) Anything else inappropriate
Acceptable Comments:
Just about anything else.
So please keep the comments coming, they are all great. Just don’t expect to see it posted if you don’t play nice.
Labels: Observation
Labels: weather
Best call of the day … Bitchy claim adjuster. When I said she was not making sense, she STARTED TALKING LOUDER. Stupid bitch.
Best drink of the day… after dinner cocktail poured without asking. Thank you baby.
Best laugh of the day… out loud, full belly, stand up comic on radio stated….Cant really repeat. It was funny.
Best Cry of the day… What am I a girl? There is no Crying.
Best slight of the day… see best call of the day
Best choice of the day-… to close to call.
Best advise of the day… “Have a good one.” Cop I know randomly at the drowsy parrot.
Best comment of the day…”I don't know, Beano. Pulling out is only successful 75% of the time.” Technically yesterday but I am still laughing.
Labels: weather
There has been so much interest in Vapor Life lately it is great…
Thanks to everyone again for stopping by.
There have been some “comment” abuse and it is getting to be a little out of hand. This is unfortunate and because not everyone can play nice I have had to tighten up the content moderation just a little.
So if you post, and you don’t see your comment right away, don’t worry. If its legit, it will show soon I promise.
Sorry a bad apple or two had to ruin it for the rest of us.
Labels: rant
Labels: sports
The kids play Wii before lunch.
Labels: Observation, random
Labels: rant
Labels: automotive, random
Its Friday and I SOOOO do not want to be in the office today. I cant wait to break out of here.
Bonus #1- No office hours planned for tomorrow!
Bonus #2 – All that pesky snow everyone is scared of is going south of us
Also, and this is kind of a bonus as well… we are watching my Niece/Nephew tomorrow. Should make for some good blog posts.
Photo Credit to Rizalgeo. Thanks for capturing my escapism thoughts in this image.
Labels: Observation, random, Woodworking
Labels: Observation, random
Labels: Observation, random, tech